Quantum Racing wins Langkawi Regatta
After a short delay for the wind to increase, racing got underway on the final race of the regatta. Once again the course was set close to Kuah town and the spectacle could be viewed from the balcony of the yacht club and hotels lining the shore.
Racing Class
Although it was not widely reported Ray Roberts on Quantum Racing had narrowly won the event yesterday making it three in a row. Neil Pryde’s Hi Fi Team Pryde won the final race today and is very pleased how they have sorted the new boat out to finish third overall and is looking forward to their next encounter. Frank Pong’s Jelik dipped in form yesterday with two fourth places that after calculations and drop races were included made it impossible to regain top spot and had to settle on second overall. Although these top boats tended to hog the limelight the other six racing class boats all had chances at one time or other and must be commended for putting on such a huge spectacle of close and exciting racing in Langkawi for the world to see.
While Keith Dunn’s Lunchcutter II and Vincent Chan’s Matahari kept a close cover on each other, Neils Degenkolw’s Phoenix slipped under there guard to win the last two races and the overall combined IRC class title. However they won’t go home empty handed as Lunchcutter II and Matahari are first and second in the IRC Premier Cruising division. Neils Degenkolw’s victory on Phoenix extends into a double win incorporating the IRC 1 title. James Low and the Penang Swimming Club team on Tag take out second place and Mike Van Zyl’s 24ft IOR 1/4 tonner Jandi scored third place in the IRC 1 class.
Mohd Razali’s Platu 25 Navy 1 has been knocking on the leaders door all week and saw an opportunity opening up on the final race and grabbed it. This win sees them recapture second overall and climb in front of Pierre Mas’ Longtze-Premier in third and Thierry Barot’s Longtze-Langkawi Geopark in fourth overall. Scott Duncanson’s Phuket Sports 8 Raimon Land rapped up the title yesterday and gave the rest of the crew a chance to helm the boat so his sixth place today does not affect the score. Good news for Teiki Ballian’s Thai International team after dipping down the order a final race win has them taking the under 25 youth title back to Phuket. Bad news for overnight leader Rizal Mahadi’s MYA-KFC team scoring fourth place to get knocked of the perch to second overall. Third place for Singapore’s Benjamin Mui’s SMU team has them completing the series in third place in the under 25 title.
Racing multihull (Firefly)
A late charge of wins by Roger Kingdon’s defending champion Moto Inzi saw them tied on points at the end of the regatta with Bill Phelps Twin Sharks. By winning the last race Roger Kingdon’s Moto Inzi goes on to take the title again. An upset for Twin Sharks crew who have entertained the fleet with there dress code all week and have led the class from the beginning. Being a one design class the three Firefly’s have been almost inseparable on the water. Henry Kaye’s Mamba has consistently scored third place but only seconds or a hundred meters has separated the three yachts as they cross the finish line.
Premier Multihull
Despite not needing to race today Bob Brindley took his 39ft Xcatriot back out onto the course added another win to make it seven wins in a row and completely decimate the opposition. Second place for Bernd Nordemann’s 41ft Twin Magic secures them second overall despite a mid series charge by Greenville Fordham’s 32ft IMAGE asia Ceberus that left them down in third spot.
Club Cruising Class
Although John Ramsden’s Elan 44 Sofa So Good held an unbeatable lead in the overall class standings, being good sports they went out and added another win to there score. That makes it four wins on the trot. Second place for Labbadi Gilles 36ft Eloise elevates them to second overall displacing Henning Lenz early leader My Toy down to third overall.
This regatta has had everything to test the sailors skills. Strong winds to start with then petering out towards the end. Inshore and offshore races. Great parties and having a marina to berth the boat brings crews together under the one roof and encourages some good ole hospitality to be mixed in with the friendly competition. The biggest racing class assembled for some time in Asia that includes designs from most of the world renown naval architects and sailors from all parts of the globe striving to be the best of the best in Asian waters. What more would you want? It does not get much better than that! All going well this revival will carry on into the rest of the season and makes the future look very bright indeed. The decision to hold next year’s event roughly at the same time has met with approval and if this year is anything to go by RLIR 09 should immediately go down in the diary.