Quantum Racing Leads In RLIR 2008
Quantum Racing is leading the other competitors on the fourth day of the Royal Langkawi International Regatta (RLIR) 2008, boosting the chances of the yachting team from Australia winning the Racing category of the competition.
Quantum Racing, skippered by the experienced Ray Roberts, has garnered nine points and has qualified to become the overall champion of the regatta. The team with the least number of points will be adjudged the champion.
Thursday, Quantum Racing led the other yachts by recording 1 hour 18 minute and 2 seconds in the second race. Hi-Fi of Hong Kong is second after having garnered 13 points.
Malaysia’s two teams are on sixth and seventh positions. Navy Janda has collected 40 points while Zuhal, the team from the Royal Malaysian Navy, has 41 points.
In the International Racing Class (IRC) category, Phoenix of Japan skippered by Neils Degenkolw leads with 11 points while Mata Hari skippered by Malaysian Vincent Chan is next with 12 points.
The five-day regatta has attracted 36 yachts from 14 countries.